Order Complimentary Educational Materials

Mid-Atlantic Mothers’ Milk Bank provides hospitals, practices, and organizations with free educational materials. You can help spread the word about milk banking and the importance of milk donation by displaying materials and incorporating information about donor milk into your classes and presentations. All materials for donors, recipients, and bereaved families are available in English and Spanish.

Reads: Pasteurized human milk: nature's best medicine

Inpatient Recipient Card

A basic and brief overview of donor milk for inpatient families.

Suggested uses: Appropriate for NICUs, mother baby units, birth centers

Reads: At home with pasteurized human milk

Outpatient Recipient Card

A basic and brief overview of donor milk for inpatient families.

Suggested uses: Appropriate for donor milk depots and dispensaries, pediatrician/specialist offices, WIC offices, and lactation centers

Join us and change lives, one ounce at a time

Donor Information Cards

Basic information about becoming a milk donor.

Suggested uses: Prenatal classes, post-partum packets, NICUs, mother baby units, birth centers, donor milk depots and dispensaries, OB/midwife offices, pediatrician/other community practices, WIC offices, organizations that serve young families and pregnant people.

Safe use of donor milk

Donor Milk Storage and Handling Cards

Outlines safe donor milk storage and handling practices in the home setting. For outpatient use only.

Suggested uses: NICUs, mother baby units, and birth centers that discharge infants on donor milk, donor milk dispensaries and lactation or pediatrician practices that distribute donor milk.

Breast milk and bereaved mothers

Bereavement Booklets

Information about lactation after loss. Topics include: discontinuing lactation, engorgement, comfort measures, the option of donation, how loved ones can provide support.

Suggested uses: NICUs, mother baby units, birth centers, donor milk depots and dispensaries, OB/midwife offices, pediatrician/other community practices, WIC offices, organizations that serve young families and pregnant people.

Processing matters

Processing Matters

Summary of available research regarding the effects of donor milk processing methods on the content of human milk.

Suggested uses: neonatologists, pediatricians, specialists, nurses, lactation consultants, and dieticians.

Reads: Learn more about safe, effective, pasteurized human milk here:

Inpatient Wall Cling

11 x 17 inch wipeable wall cling with a QR code leading to the inpatient recipient information.

Reads: Learn more about pasteurized donor milk for your baby:

Inpatient Recipient Family Information Stickers

1.5 x 2 inch stickers with a QR code leading to the inpatient recipient information.