Milk Bank Moments

My name is Sadie and this is my story. Starting from the beginning. My Mommy and Daddy were having trouble getting pregnant with me due to my Mommy’s health. They wanted me so much, they...

I have two children and had an oversupply of breast milk with both. I decided to donate with my first child because I simply did not want to waste it. However, only after my second...

When I had my daughter, I was a floor nurse. Never having a consistent break or even a full break, I lost my supply only a month after returning to work from maternity leave. I...

My daughter Avery was born premature at 32 weeks. Upon my admittance to the hospital at a little over 28 weeks pregnant, I was informed of the opportunity to elect donor breast milk for our...

My son was born prematurely at 23 weeks 6 days. He received some donor milk initially until I started producing to supply his needs. Unfortunately he passed away at 18 days old. Since he was...

I've always been lucky to make a lot of milk and pump much more than my babies eat during a typical work day. With my first child, however, we lived elsewhere and there was no...

My son and I were so fortunate to be able to share breastmilk with other babies in need. I was a lucky "over producer" from day one and quickly began to run out of freezer...