29 Apr Michelle – A Donor Story
At 35w 6d gestation, I had a placental abruption and The Starfish was born 29 days early. She spent a week in the NICU at Tampa General Hospital, where she received donor milk while we...
At 35w 6d gestation, I had a placental abruption and The Starfish was born 29 days early. She spent a week in the NICU at Tampa General Hospital, where she received donor milk while we...
When I gave birth to my daughter Nova, sleeping on 11/9/21 at 26 weeks 6 days, the thought of my milk coming in never dawned on me - until my milk came in. I was...
Tribune-Review (March 29, 2022) - Pennsylvania legislators will join community advocates Wednesday to promote a bill that would authorize insurance coverage for medically prescribed pasteurized donor breast milk to infants with serious health conditions. “Without human...
Having premature twins in the NICU is no easy thing, but then bringing them home with eating difficulties and health issues makes it even harder. Our twins never were able to latch due to oral...
KDKA (February 10, 2022) – Mid-Atlantic Mother’s Milk Bank in Pittsburgh’s Strip District is seeing a huge rise in demand for donor breast milk. If you’ve never heard of MAMMB, executive director Denise O’Connor said it’s like...
90.5 WESA (January 25, 2022) - Milk banks across the U.S. report they’re running low on breast milk donations. In Pittsburgh, milk bank officials say they have more than enough milk right now, but they’re...
Tribune-Review (January 8, 2022) - Thanks to the efforts of nearly 2,000 carefully screened volunteer donors, the Mid-Atlantic Mother’s Milk Bank distributed its 1 millionth ounce of pasteurized human donor milk since its establishment in 2016. Pasteurized...
It was after my freezer was packed with milk, I decided to call my local NICU. They explained how important donor milk is and encouraged me to contact the Mid-Atlantic Mothers' Milk Bank, where they...
I was a donor from mid-2018 to late 2019. It was a humbling journey for me. I ended up going back to work full time and still pumped to give my boy the milk he...
“How much are you producing when you pump these days?” I asked my friend who sat perched on the chair next to me with the breast pump securely fastened to one of her breasts. Three...