two children in grocery cart

Amber – A Donor Story

When I had my daughter, I was a floor nurse. Never having a consistent break or even a full break, I lost my supply only a month after returning to work from maternity leave. I quickly learned how the financial burden hits of having to buy formula. Fast forward to having my son, my supply came and continued strong. Remembering having to buy formula in combination of hearing local news regarding formula shortages and seeing on social media the struggle families are going through to try and find formula truly made my heart break. I was blessed to have the opportunity to feed my son for free with all the nutrients he needed. The fact I had an excess supply was icing on the cake. Simply wanting to help others in need any way I could, I turned to milk donation so I could, in turn, alleviate even the smallest of anxiety about the possibility of struggling to get a baby the food they need. I am grateful for this opportunity!

– Amber, milk donor

Have you been touched by the mission of Mid-Atlantic Mothers’ Milk Bank?