one to grow on

Who will come grow with us?

Help us identify prospects and volunteers.

People are at the heart of our campaign to expand the Mid-Atlantic Mothers’ Milk Bank. With your help, we can expand our facility, upgrade our equipment and increase our capacity to serve more vulnerable babies all across the region.

Please consider your friends, colleagues and associates who may also share our collective vision to improve the lives of babies across our region.

Can you help us connect with the right people in the right way?

Prospects for donations and gifts.

The Mid-Atlantic Mothers’ Milk Bank serves thousands of families each year, thanks to the contributions of our dedicated volunteer milk donors and generous financial donors.

As we embark on our community’s One to Grow On comprehensive campaign, please help us identify prospects for leadership gifts, whether one-time or over a three-year period, to bring our collective vision to life.

Campaign volunteers and leaders.

Makes a personal or corporate pledge at the start of the campaign that is generous, thoughtful and proportionate

Knows the case and is able to present it concisely and with enthusiasm

Sees prospects face to face and keeps sights high for this comprehensive campaign

Obtains outright gifts and pledges and gets the job finished, reporting gifts promptly so that others will benefit from success as MAMMB announces progress towards goals

Identifies prospects for the campaign, soliciting them with others, or identifying them for others to solicit

Campaign chair or co-chair takes on additional responsibilities

Serves as the campaign’s chief executive officer

Enlists volunteers for the campaign’s organization

Assumes specific responsibility for the personal and or corporate commitments from members of the campaign committee

Presides over all campaign committee meetings

Makes day-to-day decisions regarding the problems of the campaign in consultation with CEO and other advisors

Acts as spokesperson for the campaign in news stories, campaign publications and announcements, special events and other functions

Prospect Recruitment Form

Please consider your friends, colleagues and associates and submit as many prospects as possible.