20 Jun Julianne – A Donor Story
My son and I were so fortunate to be able to share breastmilk with other babies in need. I was a lucky “over producer” from day one and quickly began to run out of freezer space. I knew that milk donation existed from working in a NICU, but wasn’t sure who to contact. I reached out to a friend who I knew donated in the past and she told me where to go. After reaching out to Mid-Atlantic Mothers’ Milk Bank I was set up to complete a health questionnaire, blood work, and ship a small amount of milk for testing. Once all was complete I was able to start donating!
The screening process is very safe and any health changes could be communicated directly to the milk bank to ensure the continued safety of my milk for recipients. Shipment is incredibly easy if you do not live close to a donation center. Cooler boxes are shipped to your door for you to pack milk in and FedEx picks them up! My son, Matteo, and I are so grateful for the opportunity to help premature babies, medically fragile babies, and other term infants in need. It is a wonderful feeling knowing that we are helping others who may not be as fortunate.
Seeing both sides of the donation process, as a donor and as a NICU nurse who uses donor milk for her patients, is so amazing and really brings everything full circle. I strongly recommend milk donation for anyone who is able. It is such a rewarding process and the milk bank staff is incredible to work with. I now have a happy and healthy 15 month old who has touched more lives than he knows!
– Julianne, milk donor