Mom and kids

Kailey – A Donor Story

baby with donor milk

I’ve always been lucky to make a lot of milk and pump much more than my babies eat during a typical work day. With my first child, however, we lived elsewhere and there was no easily accessible milk bank. I also fell into the trap of thinking I need to hoard a huge freezer stash of milk “just in case.” But then the fuse to our deep freezer blew, we didn’t realize, and well over 1000 ounces was spoiled. It’s been 8 years, and I think I’m still mad about that! Once we moved back to Pittsburgh and had our second child, I once again had milk to share, and the milk bank made it SO EASY. Then we added baby #3 last year and we’re happy to be repeat donors.

– Kailey, milk donor

Have you been touched by the mission of Mid-Atlantic Mothers’ Milk Bank?